So what have I been doing instead of writing here, you probably wouldn't ask yourself. Well, I'm going to answer it anyway, so just live with it. Short version: Stress. Long version: Stressing out over the bloody ridiculous amount of tests that we keep having, trying to uphold some form of social life and doing my best at breathing. Although the former doesn't leave much time for the latter. Right now I've just finished of a quite successful raid and am now rocking off to Alice Cooper's Billion Dollar Babies. Oh, and speaking of music, most blogs I read tend to have some entries about music, so I'm just gonna go with the flow here and join in.
Right, in my younger years (ha, ha, ha) I never listened to much music. It wasn't that I hated it or so, I just never found anything that really fit me, so I ended up just staying away from it. It was first when a friend, although I'm sure it wasn't his intention, introduced me to Rise Againsnt that something happened. It kind of surprised me that I liked them, since that definately wouldn't have been the kind of music I would've seen myself liking. But I did, and who am I to tell myself to shut and go back to silence? But anyway, since then it just escalated and now I'm into most things. So, following here is a selection of artists/bands that I like.
This band are my definitive favourites at the moment. They're different, but there's something oddly compelling about them. From the rythmic bass and drums to Matthew Bellamy's almost hypnotic voice. Now another thing I especially like about these chaps are that they actually sound fantastic live. Yes, I did just say that. Nowadays there's far too many 'studio bands' who sound great on their records, but once you hear them live you wonder what the hell they're doing. When Muse plays live the songs turn into a completely different experience, while still being the same. Okay, it's hard to explain, but listen to the same song both in a studio version and live version and you'll see what I mean!
Here's my personal favourite song by Muse, Starlight:
Alice Cooper
Right, so most of you with any sense of rock history probably knows who this guy is, but whatever. Despite the name indicating that it would only be one person it is actually a band, but the singer and frontline person being Alice Cooper himself. The band has switched members a lot over the years, so I'm not going to bother listing any of them. Being pretty much the creator of shock rock his texts are often quite bizarre and many of them play on the subject of sex in a both daring and perverted way. I guess what I like about his music is that he often sings about teenagers and the whole child-on-the-way-of-becoming-an-adult-thing which obviously applies to me and that he dares write bizarre texts without caring if it's appropriate or not.
Here's I'm Eighteen, I didn't find any real video of it so it's just pictures, but enjoy the song:
Rise Against
Right, so seeing how these were the first band I actually began listening to I figured they required a place here. I don't know exactly what made me fall for them, but I would guess that I just felt really home with their music. I just suppose that Tim McIlrath's coarse voice just has something that makes me like it (much like Alice Cooper). Apart from that they also have sort of an emotional bond with me, since I can strongly connect them to certain periods of my life since they were the only band i was listening to at the time. Anyways, before I get all too emo, here is a song for your enjoyment, Paper Wings:
Foo Fighters
So, another piece of rock here then. There's nothing remarkably exciting about Foo Fighters, I guess, but I like their music and that's enough for me. Dave Grohl (former drummer of Nirvana) has an amazing voice which fits their songs perfectly. The guitar riffs are good, the bass is good, the rythm is good. All in all it's a good band.
Here you can enjoy the official (and quite amusing) video of Learn to Fly:
Right, that's pretty much my favourite bands. Now of course there are other bands I like such as Queen, The Rolling Stones (and more recently Pink Floyd, you know who you are) etc. Pretty much all of the old classic rock.
Turns out there was no gaming debate today. Haha, what a dissapointment, eh? I just couldn't be arsed writing one today, so you'll just have to live with it. Tough luck.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little taste of my musical life.
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