Yeah, I know that I abandoned this blog for some time now, but I just couldn't find the time or the patience to sit down and write. But here I am again, I hope you enjoy it.
So, who am I?
My name is Nils Blombäck, I was born on the 4th of July 1992, nothing all too interesting there. I'm currently doing my last year in elementary school, and after that it's off to more important things. My parents divorced about a year ago, something I think I've been able to handle quite well. I'm your general teenager geek, complete with glasses and no girlfriend. When not working my arse off with schoolwork I mainly play videogames. Yeah, that's pretty much what I do. Some might call it sad, some might call me a 'no-lifer' (a term I very much dislike ), personally I'd like to call myself happy, but then again that's just me. I've always thought that you should do whatever you feel makes you happy. Some people like to party, thus they should do it. Some people like to play football0, thus they should do just that. Some people like to play videogames, but then they're marked as no-lifers. But we do have a life, it's just different.
What does these lives consist of, then? Isn't it just an escape from reality that makes you dump your 'real life' for a virtual one? I agree partly to this, some people might use gaming as an escape from reality, which, apparantly, is a very bad thing to do. That probably means you're insane and have lost control of your life. But all people find an escape from reality somewhere. We all need a place where we can be ourselves, not having to wear the mask we must put on outside to make it look like you have the perfect life. It's just the fact that escaping to a game is very taboo. The time I spend in World of Warcraft is mainly spent chatting with my friends. Yes, chatting. And I do it with people from all over Europe, giving me the chance to learn of other cultures as well.
"But those aren't real friends! You've never even met them!", exclaims the doubtful.
Since when was a penpal not considered a friend? Is friendship defined by how many times you've met eachother face-to-face? No, it is defined by trust. And believe me when I say that I have friends in World of Warcraft that have entrusted me with secrets they didn't even want to tell their own 'real friends', and vice versa. For example, when my parents told me they were going to get a divorce the first people whom I told was my guild in WoW. Now, would I have said that to somebody I didn't know? Didn't trust? Of course I wouldn't, but I trust these people, they've earned that. We've seen pictures of each other, talked with each other via programs and microphones. What's the difference in doing that and meeting each other for real? If the first contact you get with a person is via writing then you have no possibilites to create a prejudice about the person in question. You have no idea whether he is black or white, Jewish or a Christian. You only see his thoughts.
What have I been trying to say here, then? Well, basically that I don't see there being a huge line between the internet world and the real one. They're both the same. There is no such thing as a no-lifer. We all have lives, they just differ in what you like to do. If you're still doubting I urge you to try this out. Who knows, you might even end up with a friend for the rest of your life.
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3 kommentarer:
Go Nisse! Go Sweden! Go independence and confidence!
Nice blog, my dear friend.
I like it, it's amusing, and have a meaning, not just wordpooping.
Keep up the good work, fellow Gustavsbergare!
Hi Nils,
I ended my reading whith a smile :). Nice thouhgts, and I think you are right. There are many relations in the so called real world that aren´t truly honest. This new way of communication is just still strange for many people.
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